I wrote a short story for a class of mine and I've been sharing it among my friends and one of them suggested I market it. Before I decide to waste paper to create copies, I wanted to get the opinion of the masses, or, in other words, potential readers. So if you enjoy reading and are interested in reading my work, please leave a comment and let me know, and then I will post a sneak peek chapter of it in a news update like this one. If people like it, I will make copies and begin selling them. So please, leave your feedback, good or bad, and I will judge whether or not I should bother. Thanks for reading.
Hey cool you write? You should try the site fictionpress.Its great for posting stories and getting feedback.It be awesome to read your work Id be glad to
Thanks. I might post some stuff on here to see how people (if only you) like it. If I get good feedback, another chapter will be added and so on. Thanks for commenting.