
371 Audio Reviews

156 w/ Responses

It's Okay

It's pretty much the same thing over and over for the first half, but that same thing isn't terrible, so it's okay. Then it gets better, and I liked that half better. I think you had too many drum buildups though, that really makes them seem less effective.

Smokazzi responds:

Overall Song has been shortened and redone. Second half elongated.
Posted updated version.


It was the same thing 4 times. You could have made it a 12 second loop and it would have sounded exactly the same.

DjRocALot responds:

Yeah, and ?

It's alright

It had a very rough beginning, but it filled out pretty well. The percussion was very basic, and you had the same chord progression throughout the whole song. Mix it up, man.


Eh, it's too much like country for me to really like it, but I can appreciate talent when I hear it. Has anyone ever told you that you sound like Oasis?


The song is great, but it sounds like something from the 80's. Was that intentional?

Either way, great track. The percussion was fantastic, even if it could be mistaken for a hair band music video. It had a great combo of classical and rock.

Quite nice.

I can picture this in a movie. Not bad. Very... omniscient. I imagine a silent film in which a little boy is standing in the middle of a gray landscape that goes on forever, and the mood is very eerie. Then there's a man in shadow standing about 20 feet from him, waving for him to come nearer. When the boy does, the shadows spread and the boy disappears. Maybe that's just me. Anyway, nice song.


I liked the plucked instrument, I'm not sure what it's called, but it was very pretty. The orchestral notes that joined in later were a great compliment as well. No complaints here, I wish I could tell you more but I couldn't tell you how to improve it.

Zorathan responds:

it's a harp thanks for liking it

Ah, memories.

I loved this song. It meant there was action ahead. It also fit the rainy scenery. You have a very good rendition of it, it's very convincing. It I heard this in the video game, I would not be confused at all.


The beginning was hilarious. And then it exploded. In the best way possible. this is awesome. I have no idea how you did it, but it was awesome. I really enjoyed it. If I had an iPod, this would go straight onto it.

Metaljonus responds:

Yeah I thought of the intro at the last minute I wanted to make it a lil more interesting ya know lol. Download it instead!

This is cool.

I can definitely sense the sentimentality and the mood in this track. As for mixing, I have no idea how to equalize or compress, and I wouldn't even know how to recognize it, so sorry. The song sounds very smooth and there are no sharp transitions or anything, if that's what you're talking about. The melodies are all cool, and there was a great choice of synth.

And you're so lucky, I still have all this week D: But yeah, I'll miss freshman year. It was fun. And I've heard sophomore year has the highest workload ):

BCCB responds:

Thanks for the review! Glad you liked it!

Yes, I heard Sophomore Year was the toughest. I'm doubling up on Math that year. =P

Sam Frost @JohnLeprechaun

Age 29, Male


Arizona State University

Phoeniz, AZ

Joined on 10/29/08

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> 100,000
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