
371 Audio Reviews

156 w/ Responses


I'm not gonna lie, I don't think was very well made. The tune is obviously correct, so I suppose you deserve credit for sounding out the melody on ten different instruments. However, those instruments are bland and sometimes annoying. The reverb kick is completely unnecessary and obnoxious. I'm quite surprised at how much attention this is getting.

Dj-Genix responds:

hey buddy........suck my nuts


I love this. The beat is pumping, the tune is energetic, and the effects are... you know, effective. I really liked this, and I really can't think of anything to change. I don't know what Norato meant about the hats, I thought those were fine. Seriously, though, this is awesome, right from beginning to end. I might put it in a different genre, though. May I suggest Video Game?

Bas3008 responds:

Thank you! Yeah it may fit better there :D


This definitely sounds like video game music. The drum loop is a little repetitive for me, but all the sounds are sweet, and the tune is really catchy. I liked it.


It certainly sounds like a menu theme from some game at the beginning, and that's not a bad thing. The percussion is really really catchy, but the main synth that plays from the very beginning is a tiny bit obnoxious. I had to kind of fight through the first 1:10 of the song. After that it's just amazing, though. Really nice job.


Some of the instruments need equalizing, but the tune and drumbeat are catchy. I liked it, despite it feeling a little less powerful than the average DnB track.

Oh! I know!

There's Sytrus: Digi as the bass for most of the song, and Sytrus: Vibrant after about 40 seconds. One of the synths sounds like Sytrus: Popcorn but it could be any
number of sounds in the "Short Synth" category. What do I win?

But yeah, awesome song. There are only two problems: the repetition, and the length. The whole thing feels like a drawn out intro to me. (P.S. Flash artists are allowed to use your songs with or without your permission, you agreed to it when you posted the song in the Audio Portal.)

Treysen responds:

Your good!! :D Except it isn't popcorn ;) I actually forgot what it was, but it's not popcorn lol, but it is sytrus something xD

And yes I know I did, but I would have at least liked an PM or something >_< I'm just complaining because I wanted to start over lol, but its all good.

Thanks for the review! :D


I don't suggest that you leave. You were one of the artists that inspired me to begin composing music a few years ago. When I think of the NG Audio Portal, your name comes to mind. You've made some really great songs here on NG, and made quite the name for yourself. I'm sure whatever reason you have for leaving, it's perfectly reasonable, but we'll miss you for sure.

cazok responds:

Thanks! Really appreciate it :)


This isn't like most dubstep. That is to say, it actually sounds like music to me. I love the melodies, and the mastering on the percussion is pretty spot on. This clearly had a ton of effort put into it as well. Nice job!

Chimy727 responds:

haha. thanks! thats a great compliment!
nice review! well appreciated! :D

Very nice.

Why didn't you tell me you were uploading songs? This is really good. The only things I suggest are that you look up some tutorials on mastering (some of the instruments are really harsh) and that you extend the song.

Chrisbutter responds:

Ok ill do that! It would help if i had the real program but i dont :/ Thanks though!

Sam Frost @JohnLeprechaun

Age 29, Male


Arizona State University

Phoeniz, AZ

Joined on 10/29/08

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